Tips for transitioning to a toddler bed

Tips for transitioning to a toddler bed

You and your toddler would have surely wished to confine them in their cot for their whole life. We all know that a cot keeps your kid safe, preventing them from exploring dangerous areas, and providing them with all they require. It's also a secure sanctuary for them, providing a cosy environment for sleep and play.

New-borns eventually outgrow cribs. They learn to climb over things and slowly that crib will be too small. And when he does, it will be time to shift from the baby crib to a bed. But how can you assist them in shifting to a bed? It is now time to transfer your child from their cot to a bed. There are going to be some substantial changes in your toddler's life and it can be difficult for both of you. Hence rather than rushing into the change, take some time to prepare for the change.

Basic tips while transitioning toddler to a bed

  1. Include your kid - Allow your toddler to select fresh linens for their large bed. Allow them to have an opinion on the selection of a new bed. Let them pick a new stuffed toy to get through the first few nights alone. Include a foldable playmat in their room to keep them engaged.
  2. Secure your toddler's area. Of course, you've already picked everything for your baby's room. However, this is the time to revisit the kid's bedroom keeping him in mind. Some parents attain success when they throw any useless items out of the toddler’s room so that the munchkin gets used to the freedom of a regular bed.
  3. Consider the timing - Even if your kid is ready, transitioning from crib to bed will be difficult if the timing goes wrong. Avoid the shift during other major events such as a birth of a new sibling, the start of school, or relocation.
  4. Don't change bedtime routines - Just because your child's bed is shifting, do not necessarily try to make changes in their sleep schedule. Maintaining your toddler's sleep cycle and schedule will help them feel comfortable, even in a new bed.
  5. Be prepared - Kids will always throw tantrums and with new freedom comes along curiosity. Your child will want to explore their bedroom. Make them aware of the clear ground rules and ask to stick with them. This consistency will help your kid learn to understand what’s expected. For children who are slower to adapt, try putting a baby safety fence Singapore by their bedroom door.
  6. Give rewards - It’s important to understand that praising your child for staying in their bed and sleeping well alone is a good step towards reinforcing good behaviours in them. Treat them with their favourite candy, chocolate, favourite dish, or reward them with a sticker of their favourite cartoon character. This will help them put more focus to it.